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Thursday, 28 February 2013

"Western Suburbs Market Update"

I recently attended a REIWA breakfast and saw a presentation by Stewart Darby. I found the presentation interesting and thought that I might share it.


• All components reaching record levels as peak hits 78k
(3.2%) in 2011/12 – up from 53k (2.3%) in 2010/11
• Migration surging – WA taking greater share of O/S (22%) –
average 1,100 people migrating to WA every week
• National intake (207k 2011-12) projected to increase to
232k by 2015-16 & maintain housing pressure


• Last population surge in 2008 absorbed excess supply –
FHOG Boost absorbed some stock as vacancy rate hit 4.7%
• This time round - vacancy rate at 1.8-1.9% & first home
buyers withdrawing supply as listings fall to sub 12k 


• Turnover – highest level in 3 years
• Market shifting as first home buyers have
soaked up stock & trade-up buyers are pushing
median up
• Seller sentiment rising as discounting falls
• Listings – fell 32% & hovering ~9,000
• Rental market remains a pressure point but .....
• Land sales rising as new build outlook improves
• Regional markets showing variable signs 

Source: Landgate/REIWA

• 19% sales increase but
9% below 15 Yr Ave
• Annual Median $485k
• 5 yr AAGR = 0.8% pa
• 10 yr AAGR = 9.7% pa  

• 21% rise in sales but
22% below 15 Yr Ave
• Annual Median $410k
• 5 Yr AAGR = 1.1% pa
• 10 Yr AAGR = 9.3% pa

Source: Landgate/REIWA

• Dec. Qtr sales – highest for 2012 (+3% on Sept/18% on Dec)
• Increased sales in higher priced coastal sub-markets lifted
market median to $495k (+3% on Sept & 5% on Dec 2011)
• Despite strong FHB activity sales fell in outer SE Corridor
• Lift in upper end sales evident in sales distribution 


 Preliminary Dec Qtr Landgate median ($495k) has risen to
$500k – not because of price rises but market shifts

Source: Landgate/REIWA


Latest Landgate data has median ($500k + 4.2%) rising due
to increased activity across the board above $450k
Upper quartile has only risen 4.0%
Lower Quartile has been dragged up 4.8%


• Quartiles introduced into REIWA data tables
• Quartiles = median of the median
• Quartiles provide price spread of 50% of sales
• Tells us more about the market
• UPPER QUARTILE = price of the 75th % record
• MEDIAN = 50% or middle record in value order
• LOWER QUARTILE = price of the 25th % record
• PRICE FINDER provides quartiles (Q1 & Q3)
• See E-xpress Edition 147 on 1/2/2012

Source: Landgate/REIWA

 • Steady rise in activity from Sept 2011 low (lowest since
Sept 1988) but still reflects weak investor confidence
• No discernible trends in sale price distribution with
median sitting in a $398-415k band for 2.5 years 


• 9,200 (-32%) has not rebounded due to strong activity
• Below 12k equilibrium & sales returning to average levels
• Pockets of over & under supply still exists
• Listings to Dwellings ratio – 1.1% (2.2% April 2011)
• Land listings down (1,700) from June 2011 peak (3,500)

Source: Office of State Revenue

• WA was nation’s leading first home buyer state in 2012
• Since Sept 2010 - strongest non-stimulatory growth phase
• 30% of market in Dec Qtr – up from 25% in March Qtr
• But applications for established grants may be topping out
• New build trending up but applications also peaked in Nov.


• Strong reported sales in February after New Year rebound
• Based on reported sales for Jan-Feb, March Qtr will
exceed Dec Qtr as market moves back towards average
turnover levels BUT median price is quite stable at present

Source: Landgate/REIWA

Dec Qtr sales ~+40%
• Median - $1275k (+7% qtr/+2% yr)

Notable sales increases
Mosman Park

 2012 sales up 21% but down 17% on 15 yr ave
• Annual Median $1.24 M (-6%)
• 5 Yr AAGR = -1.8% pa
• 10 Yr AAGR = 8.9% pa

Source: Landgate/REIWA

Dec Qtr sales ~+23%
• Median - $452k (-3% qtr/-3% yr)  

Notable sales increases

2012 sales up 22% but own 30% on 15 yr ave
• Annual Median $485k (-1%)
• 5 Yr AAGR = 1.1% pa
• 10 Yr AAGR = 9.3% pa



• Followed overall market down but increased 6% in Dec Qtr
• Listings to Dwelling Stock Ratio – 1.5%

• Western Suburbs tracking market as overall activity improves  


All measures of sentiment improving incl. Western Suburbs
• Vendors discounting 55% (-13% pts) 69% (-18% pts)
• Ave. Discount 5.5% (-1.5% pts) 7.6% (-2.3% pts)
• O’ll market discount 1.9% (-2.3% pts) 4.3% (-4.3% pts) 


• Seasonal dip recovery after local listings rose sharply across Dec Qtr
• Multi-res dip also across other areas 

• Peaked at 311 (Dec) now trending down with local demand
• Represents 7-12% of Perth’s rental listings –currently 10% 


• Households are adapting to post GFC housing environment
– ongoing housing crisis talk is neither helpful or accurate
– supply exists but not at everybody’s price point/location
• Expecting 10% increase turnover to long term average
levels with gradual change in the buyer mix
• Market composition will influence overall median but real
price growth is likely at lower end as supply tightens
• Expect first home buyers to peak as prices rise – increase
shift to new build as supply reduces
• Rental market to remain tight through to 2014 should
stimulate investors but not speculators
• Softening economic outlook is the downside risk & further
rate cuts may not be an adequate catalyst 

Friday, 22 February 2013

"A long, ugly list of house price precedents"

This article is sourced from today's (Friday the 22nd of February) Business Inspector, and was written by Philip Soos.
"For those interested in the Australian residential property market, below are a collection of figures illustrating long-term trends. Housing prices and land values are compared to a basket of fundamental metrics. Australians are fortunate because much data on real estate and financial markets are publically available, going into depth not seen in other countries.

Comparing housing prices to inflation is one of the more common indicators in property market analysis. If the trend is fairly even over time, then there is no indication that people are favouring housing relative to other goods and services. On the other hand, if there is a wide divergence between housing prices and inflation, this tells us that people are considering housing to be relatively more important. Interestingly, every rise in real prices has led to a downturn, with the one exception of 1961-1964.

Another popular method of determining property valuation is comparing housing prices to rents. In a fairly efficient market, the costs of buying and renting should closely match each other, though due to factors such as taxes, risks, and interest rates, it is unlikely that costs will equal. Since the post-WWII boom, the ratio has unevenly decreased. Upswings in the ratio suggest the presence of a bubble: the mid-1970s, early 80s, late 80s, and today.

As with inflation and rents, housing prices have also outstripped incomes as well. Unfortunately, the Australian Bureau of Statistics does not provide a long-term median household disposable income series, so the denominator is derived by dividing aggregate real gross household income by the number of occupied households on an annual basis. This results in an unusually high HDI as averages are typically greater than medians, and is further amplified as the HDI is stacked with artefacts like superannuation which cannot be drawn upon to finance debt repayments. While the outcome is a rather low ratio, it keeps in line with that developed in Stapledon’s 2012 housing paper and shows a substantial increase from 1996 onwards. A more realistic median measure would result in a higher ratio, and the latest Demographia report shows it to be so.

It is easy to see the major cause of the Great Depression: a deflating land bubble, centred in the commercial property market. Every major rise in the ratio has resulted in a downturn, correlating with, and arguably, causing the economic recessions of the mid-70s, early 80s, and early 90s. The ratio has doubled from the trough in 1996 through to the peak in 2010. The substantial rise in the ratio during the late 1970s was likely due to an anomaly in splicing multiple land value series together, though part of the rise is justifiable because of a residential bubble.

The same story emerges when land values are compared with GDP per capita, which is arguably a better fundamental metric than GDP itself. As with the previous figure, the ratio has doubled during the same time period.

The Kavanagh-Putland Index measures the ratio of property sales to GDP. This metric is considered useful because in times of speculative fervour, investors flip properties to one another, increasing the total value of sales on an annual basis. When real estate markets tank, sales inevitably fall as potential buyers stand by the wayside waiting for further price falls. The ratio peaked in 2004 after housing prices jumped in the years previous.

The value of housing stock to GDP has likewise moved in the same direction as house prices to inflation and land values to GDP. It is the land component rather than the dwellings that has increased in value over GDP.

The primary determinant of the boom-bust cycle in the land market is availability of credit/debt used to speculate on rising capital values of real estate. While data on private debt goes back to 1861, aggregate land values only begin in 1910. Debt peaked in 1893, driving a colossal commercial land bubble that burst, causing the worst depression in Australia’s recorded history. Again the same occurred during the 1920s, with the same result. It took until the 1970s for the debt cycle to assert itself once again, with one boom and bust after another. Debt reached the highest peak on record in 2008, driving the largest land boom on record.

Unsurprisingly, the cause for the massive rise in housing prices and land values, along with net rental income losses, is the colossal increase in household debt, primarily composed of mortgage debt. It has more than quadrupled since 1988, rapidly accelerating during the 1990s and 2000s. The ratio peaked in 2010 as did housing prices, which is clearly no coincidence.

As household debt has climbed, so too has debt as a percentage of household assets. The ratio will rise as housing prices continue to soften. It has tripled from 1990 through to 2008 before the GFC, falling and then resuming its upward climb.


The same has occurred with housing debt to disposable income, tripling over the same time period.

Despite very high interest rates during the early 1990s, the ratio peaked in 2008 due to the staggering debt load of households, even at lower interest rates. It is no surprise that this ratio closely matches the net income losses experienced by property investors as shown in the next figure.

Perhaps the most telling of all data are investors’ ability to finance the debt and routine expenses on their residential properties. In the midst of the late 1980s commercial land bubble, an element of residential speculation caused real housing prices to increase, most notably in Sydney and Perth. Speculators suffered income losses from 1988/89 to 1991/92 while seeking capital gains. The market later stabilised before making the largest net income losses from 2000 onwards, signifying a zero net yield and massive residential bubble.

The obvious cause of these losses is due to the rise in interest repayments rather than running expenses, which have remained stable at around 50 per cent of gross rental income. Interest repayments peaked in 2008, driven by higher interest rates before the GFC hit.

Not only are investment properties overvalued, the entire residential stock is. The vast majority of properties are owner-occupied, at almost 70 per cent. Since 2004, all owners on aggregate have been running net income losses which do not bode well for them once capital values stop increasing.

Once again, it is interest repayments that are the cause of the income losses. A slight uptick in expenses during the 2000s surely didn’t help, but has since then fallen back to its long-run average.

Despite the best efforts of the National Housing Supply Council and the FIRE sector (finance, insurance and real estate) to spruik a housing shortage, the long-term trends show dwelling growth has consistently outpaced population growth since WWII. From 2008 to 2009, the trend reversed temporarily.

Perhaps the only positive factor is the government’s relatively low position of gross debt to GDP. The fashionable idea often repeated these days is that rising public debt poses a risk to the economy has little substance in reality. Compared to the pre-WWII era, the governments of today are a picture of fiscal responsibility and prudence, with the rise in taxation revenue helping to offset the need for using debt. In the event of a substantial and prolonged downturn in the economy, the federal and state governments are well-placed to debt-spend.

A better measure of government debt is net rather than gross debt, and even better is the net rather than gross interest repayment burden, expressed as a percentage of GDP. What matters for countries that have high levels of government debt is how great the net interest repayment burden is. This is what separates the US and Japan – countries with a relatively high level of government debt – with the basket-case PIIGS nations (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain). Australia is currently situated in an excellent position, and even if the government debt to GDP ratio were to rise, this does not necessarily translate into higher net interest repayments if the Reserve Bank further cut interest rates from already historical lows and purchased government bonds.

Increases in the government debt to GDP ratio are typically due to two occurrences: world wars (1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945) and responses to economic downturns caused by private debt-financed speculation: the 1890s, 1930s, mid-1970s, early 1980s, early 1990s and the GFC in 2008. The rise in the ratio before the 1890s was due to colonial government mass construction of public infrastructure. It is obvious to see which type of debt today presents an overwhelming macro risk to the economy. Government debt will inevitably rise to counter private debt-deleveraging but it is very unlikely that political parties will engage in the necessary and timely expansion needed to ward off the adverse effects of debt-deflation.

In conclusion, the data presented should provide more than enough evidence to suggest that Australia’s residential property market (specifically land market) is vastly overvalued, driven by debt-financed speculation and the relative non-taxation of land rent. While land bubbles have been a continual feature of the Australian economy, what separates this cycle is the relative enormity of the boom in both land values and private debt. A smaller private debt to GDP ratio during the 1880s and 1920s was enough to produce two devastating depressions, including a number of recessions during the mid-1970s, early 1980s and early 1990s.

The question is often asked why housing prices are so high. Instead, the real question is to ask why prices are so low. The banking and financial system is ready to lend absurd amounts of debt to the willing army of 'greater fools', and has constructed an elaborate chain from mortgage brokers’ offices through to the business development managers at the banks in order to commit extensive fraud by manipulating loan application forms. This is the 'six degrees of separation' Denise Brailey has uncovered. Consequently, the only determinant that prevents the banks from lending more credit is debtors’ ability to finance repayments out of current income. Only when it becomes difficult to finance repayments will the housing and land markets finally capitulate.

It is often claimed “this time is different". It certainly is, but not for the reasons usually given: Australia has not experienced a land bubble of this magnitude in its history. Seven in ten adults own property, solvency of the FIRE sector is dependent upon ever-increasing capital values and the governments’ addiction to housing-related tax revenue and votes, its none-too-surprising bubble deniers have been out in full force, asserting housing prices are based upon fundamental valuations. Also unsurprising is that all bubble deniers have conflicts of interest, and in an age of the secular equivalent of religious fanaticism and greed, facts and history are conveniently dispensed down the memory hole.

The only option left to policymakers is to continually kick the can down the road, hoping the bust does not occur on their watch. The result, as seen with the Rudd government’s additional First Home Owner’s Boost, was precisely that. This intervention restarted the debt machine, re-inflating housing and land prices to a new, higher peak in 2010. The overarching private debt bubble, which began in 1964, will likely come to an end once and for all when the government runs out of fuel to throw on the fire.

Philip Soos is a researcher at Deakin University's School of International and Political Studies."

Thursday, 7 February 2013

"Interest Rate Alert: RBA Announcement"

Here's another interesting article for you to read. This one is sourced from Rates Direct.

"In their first meeting since December 2012, the Reserve Bank decided not to give homeowners further assistance by keeping the cash rate on hold, at least until their next meeting on the 5th March 2013. Despite inflation in December 2012 being half of what was anticipated, and little revival in non–mining sectors of the economy – conditions were not deemed to be dire enough to warrant a further cut in the cash rate.

According to the ABS, the December consumer price index rose by a mere 0.2% – a fraction of the 1.4% jump we saw in the September quarter – with inflation moving towards the lower end of the RBA's 2%–3% target range at 2.2%. Despite these findings – there is positive evidence suggesting that China's recent economic slump has bottomed out, the US has temporarily avoided their 'Fiscal Cliff' as well as data that the Australian government's carbon tax had less of an impact than first thought – may have caused the RBA to hold back on cutting rates for now."

The data that this article was based on was  sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Friday, 1 February 2013

"Buying at Auction"

"Did you know that sale by auction is a three stage process that gives you three opportunities to buy?

If you have the funds available you may want to bid at the auction.  Unfortunately not everyone is in this situation, some are waiting on finance to be approved, while others may need to sell their own property to before they can buy a new one.  This shouldn't stop you from buying a property that is for sale by auction.

You could attend the auction, wait and see if the property is passed in, and then make an offer that is subject to sale or finance.  This is risky, the property may sell under the hammer, or the seller may negotiate with the highest bidder and you may not get a chance to make an offer.

Alternatively you can make an offer before the auction.  Many sellers are willing to accept reasonable offers in advance. They have the certainty of knowing the property is sold and avoid the stress of auction day.

If you are genuinely interested in buying a property that is up for auction, but aren't in a position to bid, speak to the agent."

This article was sourced from the Acton Real Estate 2013 newsletter.